Nimbuzz, the cross-platform messaging and VOIP service announced last month that it has hit the 150 million user milestone. Nimbuzz is an instant messaging and Voice over IP service available for many platforms; Windows, Mac, iPhone and so
on. For some strange reason has been blocked in Saudi Arabia. Last year FaceTime was also deactivated. Starting way back in 2006, Nimbuzz, a startup originally from the Netherlands concentrated on smartphone apps in the emerging markets paying attention to feature phones which use Java apps. The strongest countries for Nimbuzz this year are India and Saudi Arabia. India has around 25 million users while users in Asia are around 78 million.
Simple proxy tutorial
Open your RaHbot folder and right click the client
you use to run the bot (.bat file.) Select edit; You should see the following below the
instructions: color e0
java -Xmx500m -
cp .;deob.jar;RAHSleeper200.jar;scripts bot.Client
pause Remove it, and paste the following: color e0
java -DsocksProxyHost= IP HERE - DsocksProxyPort= PORT HERE -noverify - Xmx500m -cp .;deob.jar;RAHSleeper200.jar;scripts
pause Now to find an IP to replace the IP HERE portion and a port to replace the PORT HERE portion of the paragraph you just copied. There are plenty
of sites to do this just google proxy socks5 or
you can use the one i'll provide for you:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Under IP:PORT:HOSTNAME you find the information you're seeking. Say the first option
appears like this where the IP= and PORT=27977. Take your newly aquired IP + Port and replace the portions
of the .bat edit. For IP HERE put the IP you found (in this case and for PORT HERE put the Port you found (in this case 27977). Ending result should look like this: color 2e
java -DsocksProxyHost= - DsocksProxyPort= 27977 -noverify -Xmx500m - cp .;deob.jar;rahsleeper200.jar;scripts bot.Client
pause Save and run the client! If its saying you cannot
connect to socks you need another IP and Port as
the one you just entered is currently down. Note:
the above IP and PORT may or may not still be
useable try to find your own rather than using
the above posted one it's just an example.
Better your visit here
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]